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HomeTop NewsSisters recall alleged sexual abuse by Dallas police officer

Sisters recall alleged sexual abuse by Dallas police officer


DALLAS — Editor’s note: This story contains descriptions of situations that may make some readers uncomfortable. Three sisters said they were abused and threatened by a man they thought was supposed to help and protect them. “He knew I came from a bad situation at home, and he used that to his own advantage.” The sisters, who asked WFAA to hide their identities, said they were in their early teens when they met Dallas Police Officer Tyrone Williams after one of the girls ran away from home and got in trouble and arrested. She said Williams was the responding officer. “I was in a girls’ facility, and my mother came and picked me up at the facility and said she had befriended an officer that she met, and who had arrested me, and I would be living with him when I got out of the facility.” She thought they would be safe. “He abused me the first night my mother left me alone with him.” The teens said eventually they would all go to his home. They said Williams was also allowed to take them out of school whenever he wanted. “He would just come and get us and take us to his house, and stuff started to happen.” They said they were terrified to report the abuse. “He threatened us a lot, and if we wouldn’t do stuff with him, [he] threatened to do something to us or our mother.” The girls said they finally told a relative, who eventually took them to two police stations to report the abuse and also told CPS. “I was thinking no one is going to believe me because he’s a police officer.” Their attorney, Hunt Bonneau, said that’s exactly what happened. No charges were filed and Williams stayed on the force. “It’s odd that this slipped through somehow at every level of protection that society has… your family, the schools, hospitals and then the police,” said Bonneau. So the girls moved on, until last year, when another victim came forward to Dallas police. RELATED: Dallas officer arrested on child sexual assault charge, officials say The girls don’t know each other but have similar stories. According to court documents, the possible victim in that case was also arrested as a runaway. She claimed Williams also befriend her mother, who allowed the teen to stay with Williams at his home. She alleged that’s when she was abused. “The complainant awakened to discover the suspect sitting on the side of the bed with his legs over her legs and stroking her thighs with his bare hand,” the court document read. She goes on to detail more alleged abuse. The three sisters said when they heard that news, they were relieved someone else had come forward. “I broke into tears because I knew he had done this to me around the same time and same age, and in a very similar way.” Williams was arrested last year and put on administrative leave. Dallas Police Department (DPD) detectives went back to investigate the sisters’ cases and arrested him again last week and charged Williams in one of their cases. RELATED: Dallas police officer arrested on second charge of sexual assault of a child, officials say Williams’ attorney, Scottie Allen, issued the following statement: “Officer Williams is an exemplary officer who has enjoyed an outstanding reputation amongst the citizens he has protected and served. Unfortunately, good officers aren’t immune from patently false and totally unsupported allegations. These young ladies were severely troubled youth with a myriad of disciplinary and mental health issues. What’s even more troubling than their stories, is the fact that there are those who would use them for profit and to vindicate their petty politics. We look forward to bringing this case before the proper tribunal as quickly as possible for full and complete vindication!!” Williams’ cases have not gone to a grand jury. He has not been indicted or fired by DPD. The sisters, who are now in their 20s, said they are speaking out in case there are other victims who are afraid to come forward. “Don’t be afraid to tell your story about anything.” Williams remains in the Dallas County jail in solitary confinement in his own jail cell. DPD has expediated an internal affairs investigation into the latest allegations to determine if they can fire him now.

From: wfaa

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